The Wooden Needle Newsletter - May 2022
Newsletter #22
May 2022

Want to know what’s happening at TWN? You’ve come to the right place!
Once each month, we’ll send you our newsletter to keep you in the know.
It’s getting warmer outside.
Will we keep knitting?
You bet!

What’s happening?
Knitting Fever Trunk Show
If you’ve not been in the store the past few days, you may have missed our Knitting Fever/EURO Yarns Trunk Show. The trunk show will be on display until Tuesday, May 10th, so stop by and take a look.
Main Street Festival
Let’s have a party and celebrate Trenton!
The festival will take place on June 10th and 11th.
Watch our Facebook page for more info.
Workshop Wednesdays!
Join us for Workshop Wednesdays!
Every month or so, we’ll begin a new project together.
Want to learn two-color brioche? How to read a chart?
Our goal is to help you learn new skills or practice old ones.
**If you want to learn to knit or crochet, Workshop Wednesday is for you, too. We’ll teach you on a very simple project. Come join us!
Here’s the plan----
August - Socks (knit and crochet) - DONE!
Sept/Oct - Reading charts - Guernsey Wrap, Walnut Bark Shawl, or Walnut Bark Cowl - DONE!
Nov/Dec - Mosaic/slipping stitch knitting - Rogue River Cowl - DONE!
Jan/Feb - Lace and beads - Beaded Shawlette - DONE!
March - Two-color brioche - Training Wheels cowl - DONE!
Apr/May - Colorwork - We're working on it!
June - Finish those WIPs
We’re nearing the end of our WW schedule, but don’t worry— we’ve got a new schedule in the works!
There is no charge for attending our workshops. The only requirement is that you purchase your project materials here at TWN. A basic knowledge of knitting or crocheting will be needed for these projects.
You don’t have to attend every week--- come as you can, when you need help, or when you just want to come!.
Workshop Wednesdays happen every Wednesday afternoon from 2:00 until 5:00.
Questions? Just give us a call!
Come to Sit & Stitch!
Do you like to knit? Crochet? Embroider? Something else? Bring your project -- whatever it is -- and join us on Thursday evenings. This is our time to enjoy a variety of fiber crafts. For Sit & Stitch, your crafting materials need not have been purchased from TWN.
Bring your project, and come craft with us!
We’ll meet on Thursday evenings from 5:00ish until 7:00ish.

Join the Trenton Sockettes!
Who needs the New York City Rockettes?
We’ve got the Trenton Sockettes!
If you like to knit socks— whether its your first or fiftieth pair— join us on Friday afternoons from 2:00 until 5:00.
Want to try toe up? Cuff down? A new pattern?
We meet every Friday from 2:00 until 5:00.
As with all of our activities, watch the TWN Facebook page for more information.
What’s new?
Hand-dyed embroidery thread?
Who knew?
We now carry Fyberspates Hand-dyed Embroidery thread.
It’s a lovely blend of Bluefaced Leicester Wool and Silk.

Wool applique!
We now carry Crane wool applique patterns.
Just flip through a few and you’ll be inspired to begin a project.
Did you miss LYS day?
No problem— we still have some of Wonderland’s LYS yarn.
Wonderland created limited-edition colorways just for Local Yarn Shop day.
We’re sorry if you didn’t get to join us last Saturday, but the good news is we still have some LYS yarn and other goodies available.
What are you gifting?
At TWN, it’s well known we have all kinds of things for knitters and crocheters, but we also carry items that would make great gifts, such as wool applique supplies and tote bags. Gift a TWN tote bag with a TWN gift card inside!

What’s the UFO number for this month?
Do you see them?
They're watching you!
All those unfinished projects----
It's time to pull them out of their hiding places and get them finished! Join us for UFO this year! This is your chance to complete unfinished objects or create new 2022 project goals. To join our group, simply create a UFO list of twelve projects. Your list of twelve projects can include unfinished projects, new projects, parts of a large project or a combination of the three. Each month, we'll draw a number which will identify the project you'll work on over the coming month. On the third Thursday of each month, we'll meet to share our projects and choose a new number. Just think! At the end of the year, you'll feel so good with all those FOs!
April - #5
What? UFO - Unfinished Objects
When? Third Thursday of each month 5:00 until 7:00
How? Work on the chosen number project from your list until the third Thursday
**For UFO projects, yarn does not have to be purchased from TWN.
What are you making?
Isn’t it fun to share your current project (or projects!) with friends? We love sharing with each other and with our customers.
Jacq is showing off her knitting skills again with her beautiful beaded shawlette.
Yvonne has been busy! She’s knit a sweet Milestones blanket and the lovely Hugo poncho.
Angela spun her Wonderland Rocket fiber and created a fabulous two-ply yarn.
Buy that girl a cup of coffee! Claire knit the Bring Me Coffee cardi as her first sweater project. You go, girl!
Sparkle Girl Debbie has started a “pretty in pink” pair of socks. She’s getting help with her Accent on the Upbeat cowl from her favorite supervisor.
Renaissance Woman Elaine is ready to put the binding on her Irish Chain quilt. We can't wait to see it! She’s also made cute “necessity” bags for a school nurse to give to her students.
Boss Lady Gayla has finished her gorgeous Apple Core quilt. WOW!

Needle Notes
We had a wonderful LYS Day here at the store. We had so many ladies come out and show their support for us. We had lots of sales and give-aways, and we even had a few M & Ms in our colorway, of course. We just want to thank each and every one of you that support the store. Without you and your loyalty to us, we would not be here. Diane Pummell was our grand prize giveaway winner. We had three other prize winners as well. Also, we had many customers that won during the yarn walk. Hope you all enjoy your winnings and that we get to see what you will make out of your yarn.
We have another yarn loss to share with you. Stitch Together will be closing their doors to those of us that buy from them wholesale. We want to wish them well and thank them for all the beautiful yarn we have received from them over the years. We are sad to see them and their yarn go.
New items coming in the store are wool applique patterns and wool to make them. We have patterns from Crane Design and Happy Hollow Designs. We have Primitive Gatherings wool from Moda and the Moda wool scrap bags. We will keep you up to date on just when that will be out in the store. We are working on our wool area now. We also have the new Fyberspates hand-dyed Gleem Lace embroidery thread in stock.
Trenton Main Street Festival will be here soon. We'll have our tent set up out front and have our sidewalk sales going. There will be lots of vendors for food and other crafts.
Hope to see you all soon!
That's it for our newsletter this month, but don’t forget to keep an eye on our Facebook page, blog, and website.
Thanks for spending time with us!
See something that interests you? Have a question? Have a suggestion? Check out our website or give us a call.
(270) 954-9005